1. BepiColombo spacecraft captured during its flyby by the Earth.
Series of 100 images taken with our RBT/PST2 telescope during 50s
starting 6:59:42 UTC on 2020-04-10. Single exposure time: 0.1s.
2. Tesla roadster 4 500 000 km away from RBT/PST2 telescope!
3. RBT/PST2 telescope observing Gamma Ray Burst!
First Gamma Ray Burst afterglow observed by RBT/PST2 telescope. It is an enormous explosion very far away visible as a small "dot" near its host galaxy.
4. RBT/PST2 telescope observing 24 LEO satellites in 10 minutes!
5. RBT/PST2 observed OSIRIS-REx at a distance of 760 000 km!
6. RBT/PST2 in Winer Observatory
7. Timelapses of night sky and RBT/PST2
8. Recent allsky camera video
Most recent allsky camera video.
9. A Near Earth asteroid 2014VP confirmed
Faint Near Earth Asteroid 2014VP (V~20mag, exp 20s, filter C) recorded in 5 November 2014. These four images taken just 1 day after its discovery confirmed and secured its orbit. It is a very faint object moving into south-east direction in the centre of animation.
10. Binary galaxy M51 "Whirpool"
Image of M51 binary galaxy made by a secondary school student Jan Stempin using RBT/PST2 on 2nd April 2014. 1 min L + 1 min BVR.
11. Globular star cluster M13
Image of M13 globular star cluster made by a secondary school student Jan Stempin using PST2 on 2nd April 2014. 5 sec L + 30 sec BVR.
12. Comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy
Image of comet Lovejoy made using RBT/PST2 on 13th December 2013.
13. Comet C2012 S1 ISON
Image of comet ISON made using RBT/PST2 on 19th November 2013.
14. Allsky camera
Allsky camera picture taken in Winer Observatory while the RBT/PST2 telescope was slewing from one object to another.
15. The dome in autumn
The dome at RBT/PST2 testing site in Poland.
16. Comparison of solar type spectra
Daylight test spectrum from RBT/PST2 spectrograph and solar type (night) stellar spectrum from PST1.
17. Test spectra from RBT/PST2 spectrograph
Daylight sky and Th-Ar lamp spectra made using the new spectrograph (crops).
Downloadable full size FITS files are here and here. The spectrograph was lacking perfect collimation and focus at that time.
18. The new telescope moving to find horizontal home switch position.
19. Astrophotography with RBT/PST2 during an early test phase
Veil nebula
| NGC6946 galaxy
| NGC7331 galaxy
| NGC7479 galaxy
| NGC891 galaxy
Each photo is a stack of 20-40 5 min exposures with auto-guider.
Telescope: Planewave CDK700, camera: SBIG ST-8.