RBT/PST2 main components:
Telescope A
- manufacturer: Planewave
- model: CDK700, serial number: 3
- primary mirror diameter: 0.7m
- optical system: Corrected Dall-Kirkham, dual Nasmyth foci
- focal ratio: f/6.6
- focuser and derotator at both foci
- mount: azimuthal fork mount, direct-drive, sidereal and non sidereal tracking possible
Auxiliary telescopes B and C:
- manufacturer: Celestron
- model: RASA 8-inch
- primary mirror diameter: 0.2m
- optical system: Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph, prime focus
- focal ratio: f/2.0
Telescope A camera
- manufacturer: Andor
- model: iXon X3 888 with PCI 2.2 card CCI-23
- pixel size: 13um
- pixel count: 1024 x 1024
- field of view: 10' x 10'
- type: back-illuminated, frame transfer EM-CCD
- cooling: thermo-electric, up to -80 deg C without water assist
- effective readout noise: <0.1 electrons/pixel (EM mode)
- top fps: 8Hz (full frame)
- GNSS based exposure timer
Telescope B and C cameras
- manufacturer: QHY
- model: QHY600Pro, Sony IMX455
- pixel size: 3.76um
- pixel count: 9576 x 6388
- field of view: 5.1 x 3.4 deg
- type: back-illuminated, rolling shutter 16-bit CMOS
- cooling: thermo-electric
- effective readout noise: 1.0 electrons/pixel (for top gain)
- top fps: 4Hz (full frame)
- custom made GNSS based exposure timer
Older equipment:
Fiber-fed echelle spectrograph
- custom design based on spectrograph of PST1
- resolution R ~ 40000
- fiber diameter: 50 microns
- fiber scale: 2.2 arcsec
- collimator focal ratio: ~ f/5
- 400mm Canon lens
- no moving parts inside
- exposimeter capable of determining effective exposure center
Spectroscopic CCD camera
- Andor iKon-L
- back-illuminated CCD
- cooling: 5 stage thermo-electric, up to -100 deg C with +15 deg C water assist
- readout noise: ~2.8 electrons/pixel
- readout speeds: 50kHz, 1MHz, 3MHz and 5MHz
Spectrograph box
- external size: 2.2m x 1.2m x 1.2m
- two stage thermal isolation
- Sorbotran vibration isolation
- 21 temperature, 7 pressure and 1 humidity sensors
- active temperature stabilization