T.J. Jopek
  1. Jopek, T., Rudawska, R., Hajdukova, M., Neslušan, L., Jakubík, M., and Svoreň, J.; 2021, The meteor showers database - how to submit new data, 15th Europlanet Science Congress 2021, held virtually, 13-24 September 2021 id. EPSC2021-119, (pdf).

  2. Jenniskens, P., Janches, D., Jopek, T.J., Hajdukova, M., Trigo-Rodríguez, J., Kokhirova, G., Weryk, R., Moorhead, A., Ye, Q., Koseki, M., and Rudawska, R.; 2021, COMMISSION F1 WG Meteor Shower Nomenclature TRIENNIAL REPORT 2018-2021, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A: M.T. Lago ed., pp 1-6, (pdf).

  3. Jopek, T.J.; 2021, Remarks on generating realistic synthetic meteoroid orbits, Astronomy and Astrophysics 645, id.A82, 11 pp. (pdf).

  4. Narziev, M., Chebotarev, R.P., Jopek, T.J., Neslušan, L., Porubčan, V., Svoreň, J., Khujanazarov, H.F., Bibarsov, R.S., Irkaeva, S.N., Isomutdinov, S.O., Kolmakov, V.N., Polushkin, G.A., and Sidorin, V.N.; 2020, IAU MDC meteor orbits database - A sample of radio-meteor data from the Hissar Observatory, Planetary and Space Science 192, article id. 105008, (doi)

  5. Jopek, T.J.; 2020, The orbital clusters among the near-Earth asteroids, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 494, 680-693, (doi)

  6. Jenniskens, P., Jopek, T.J., Janches, D., Hajduková, M., Kokhirova, G.I., and Rudawska, R.; 2020, On removing showers from the IAU Working List of Meteor Showers, Planetary and Space Science 182, article id. 104821, (pdf).

  7. Jopek, T.J.; 2020, The Near Earth Asteroid associations, Astronomy in Focus - XXX Proceedings IAU Symposium No. XXX, 2018 M. T. Lago, ed., pp 26-27, (doi)

  8. Williams, I.P., Jopek, T.J., Rudawska, R., Tóth, J., and Kornoš, L.; 2019, Minor Meteor Showers and the Sporadic Background, Meteoroids: Sources of Meteors on Earth and Beyond, Ryabova G. O., Asher D. J., and Campbell-Brown M. D. (eds.), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9781108426718, pp 210-234, (link).

  9. Janches, D., Brown, P., Jenniskens, P., Jopek, T., Kaňuchova, Z., Kokhirova, G., Trigo-Rodriguez, J., Watanabe, J., Koseki, M., and Rudawska, R.; 2018, COMMISSION F1 / WG Meteor Shower Nomenclature / Triennial Report 2016-2018, Transactions IAU, Volume XXXA, Reports on Astronomy 2015-2018, Piero Benvenuti, ed. 30, E1, (pdf).

  10. Jopek, T.J. and Bronikowska, M.; 2017, Probability of coincidental similarity among the orbits of small bodies - I. Pairing, Planetary and Space Science 143, 43-52, (doi).

  11. Jopek, T.J. and Kaňuchová, Z.; 2017, IAU Meteor Data Center-the shower database: A status report, Planetary and Space Science 143, 3-6, (doi).

  12. Konovalova, N. and Jopek, T.J.; 2016, Annual Occurrence of Meteorite-Dropping Fireballs: 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, abstracts from the meeting that was to be held 30 July - 7 August at the Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), Turkey Abstract id. B0.4-51-16, (link to ADS).

  13. Jenniskens, P., Borovička, J., Watanabe, J.-I., Jopek, T., Abe, S., Consolmagno, G.J., Ishiguro, M., Janches, D., Ryabova, G.O., Vaubaillon, J., and Zhu, J.; 2016, Division F Commission 22: Meteors, Meteorites, and Interplanetary Dust, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A 29A, 365-379, (doi).

  14. Jenniskens, P., Borovička, J., Watanabe, J., Consolmagno, G., Jopek, T., Vaubaillon, J., Abe, S., Janches, D., Ryabova, G., Ishiguro, M., and Zhu, J.; 2015, Division III: Commission 22: Meteors, Meteorites and Interplanetary Dust, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series B 10, 120-123, (doi).

  15. Jopek, T.J.; 2015, The Near Earth Asteroid associations, Highlights of Astronomy 16, 474-475, (doi).

  16. Jopek, T.J. and Williams, I.P.; 2015, Stream and sporadic meteoroids associated with Near Earth Objects, Highlights of Astronomy 16, 143-145, (doi).

  17. Jopek, T.J. and Kaňuchová, Z.; 2014, Current status of the~IAU MDC Meteor Showers Database, Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference held at A.M. University, Poznań, Poland, Aug. 26-30, 2013, Eds.: T.J. Jopek, F.J.M. Rietmeijer, J. Watanabe, I.P. Williams, A.M. University Press, 2014, 353-364, (pdf).

  18. Williams, I.P. and Jopek, T.J.; 2014, The Origin of stream and sporadic meteors, comets or asteroids, Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference held at A.M. University, Poznań, Poland, Aug. 26-30, 2013, Eds.: T.J. Jopek, F.J.M. Rietmeijer, J. Watanabe, I.P. Williams, A.M. University Press, 2014, 179, (pdf).

  19. Jopek, T.J., Rietmeijer, F.J.M., Watanabe, J., and Williams, I.P.; 2014, The Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference, Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference held at A.M. University, Poznań, Poland, Aug. 26-30, 2013, Eds.: T.J. Jopek, F.J.M. Rietmeijer, J. Watanabe, I.P. Williams, A.M. University Press, 2014, 371pp., (pdf).

  20. Jopek, T.J. and Kanuchova, Z.; 2013, New Meteor Showers Recognized, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, No. 3707, (link to ADS).

  21. Jopek, T.J. and Williams, I.P.; 2013, Stream and sporadic meteoroids associated with near-Earth objects, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 430, 2377-2389, (doi).

  22. Jopek, T.J.; 2011, The Near-Earth Asteroid Streams, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011, held 2-7 October 2011 in Nantes, France, 6, 1-2, (pdf).

  23. Jopek, T.J. and Jenniskens, P.M.; 2011, The Working Group on Meteor Showers Nomenclature: A History, Current Status and a Call for Contributions, Meteoroids: The Smallest Solar System Bodies, Proceedings of the Meteoroids Conference held in Breckenridge, Colorado, USA, May 24-28, 2010, edited by W.J. Cooke, D.E. Moser, B.F. Hardin, and D. Janches. NASA/CP-2011-216469,, 7-13, (pdf).

  24. Jenniskens, P. and Jopek, T.;2011, New Meteor Showers Recognized, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, No. 2758, (link to ADS).

  25. Rożek, A., Breiter, S., and Jopek, T.J.; 2011, Orbital similarity functions - application to asteroid pairs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 412, 987-994, (doi).

  26. Jopek, T.J. 2011,; Meteoroid streams and their parent bodies, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 82, 310-320, (pdf).

  27. Jopek, T.J. and Valsecchi, G.B.; 2010, From meteor observations to meteoroid orbits: propagation of uncertainties, European Planetary Science Congress 2010, held 20-24 September in Rome, Italy 5, EPSC2010-888, 1-2 (pdf).

  28. Jopek, T.J. and Valsecchi, G.B.; 2010, From meteor observations to meteoroid orbits: propagation of uncertainties, European Planetary Science Congress 2010 , 742, (pdf).

  29. Jopek, T.T., Rudawska, R., and Ziomek-Pretka, H. 2010, Remarks on the mean orbits of the meteoroid stream, Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, 27th IMC, Sachticka, Slovakia, 2008, eds.: Kaniansky, S.; Zimnikoval, P, 91-97, (pdf).

  30. Jopek, T.J., Koten, P., and Pecina, P.; 2010, Meteoroid streams identification amongst 231 Southern hemisphere video meteors, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 404, 867-875, (doi).

  31. Watanabe, J., Jenniskens, P., Spurný, P., Borovička, J., Campbell-Brown, M., Consolmagno, G., Jopek, T., Vaubaillon, J., Williams, I.P., and Zhu, J.; 2010, Commission 22: Meters, Meteorites and Interplanetary Dust, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series B 6, 177-179, (pdf).

  32. Barentsen, G., Arlt, R., Koschny, D., Atreya, P., Flohrer, J., Jopek, T., Knofel, A., Koten, P., McAuliffe, J., Oberst, J., Toth, J., Vaubaillon, J., Weryk, R., Wisniewski, M., and Zoladek, P.; 2010, The VMO file format. I. Reduced camera meteor and orbit data, WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization 38, 10-24, (pdf).

  33. Rudawska, R. and Jopek, T.J.; 2010, Study of meteoroid stream identification methods, Icy Bodies of the Solar System, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, 263, 253-256, (pdf).

  34. Rozek, A., Breiter, S., and Jopek, T.J.; 2009, Comparison of various orbital similarity functions, European Planetary Science Congress 2009, held 14-18 September in Potsdam, Germany, 4, EPSC2009-749, (pdf).

  35. Jopek, T.J., Koten, P., and Pecina, P.; 2009, Meteoroid streams identification amongst 231 Southern Hemisphere video meteors, European Planetary Science Congress 2009, held 14-18 September in Potsdam, Germany, 4, EPSC2009-747, (pdf).

  36. Brown, P., Wong, D.K., Weryk, R.J., Wiegert, P., Jenniskens, P., and Jopek, T.; 2009, New Meteor Showers Recognized, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams,No. 1938, (link to ADS).

  37. Kanamori, T., Int, J., Jenniskens, P., and Jopek, T.; 2009, Eleven New Meteor Showers Recognized, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, No. 1771, (pdf).

  38. Koschny, D., Arlt, R., Barentsen, G., Atreya, P., Flohrer, J., Jopek, T., Knöfel, A., Koten, P., Lüthen, H., McAuliffe, J., Oberst, J., Tóth, J., Vaubaillon, J., Weryk, R., and Wisniewski, M.; 2009, Report from the ISSI team meeting ``A Virtual Observatory for meteoroids'', WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization 37, 21-27, (pdf).

  39. Jenniskens, P., Jopek, T.J., Rendtel, J., Porubčan, V., Spurný, P., Baggaley, J., Abe, S., and Hawkes, R.; 2009, On how to report new meteor showers, WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization 37, 19-20, (pdf).

  40. Jopek, T.J.; 2008, Meteoroid streams: data base, searching for meteoroid streams and their parent bodies, European Planetary Science Congress 2008, Proceedings of the conference held 21-25 September, 2008 in Münster, Germany, 3, EPSC2008-A-00377, (pdf).

  41. Jopek, T.J., Rudawska, R., and Bartczak, P.; 2008, Meteoroid Stream Searching: The Use of the Vectorial Elements, Earth Moon and Planets 102, 73-78, (doi).

  42. Jopek, T.J., Froeschlé, C., Gonczi, R., and Dybczyński, P.A.; 2008, Searching for the Parent of the Tunguska Cosmic Body, Earth Moon and Planets 102, 53-58, (doi).

  43. Jopek, T.J., Rudawska, R., and Pretka-Ziomek, H.; 2008, Erratum: Calculation of the mean orbit of a meteoroid stream, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 384, 1741-1741, (doi).

  44. Brown, P., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D.K., Jones, J., Jenniskens, P., and Jopek, T.; 2007, Thirteen New Meteor Showers Recognized, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, No. 1142, (link to ADS).

  45. Jopek, J.; 2007, Reporting and Naming of New Meteor Showers, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, No. 1088, (link to ADS).

  46. Jopek, T.J., Rudawska, R., and Pretka-Ziomek, H.; 2006, Calculation of the mean orbit of a meteoroid stream, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 371, 1367-1372, (pdf).

  47. Rudawska, R., Jopek, T.J., and Dybczyński, P.A.; 2005, The Changes of the Orbital Elements and Estimation of the Initial Velocities of Stream Meteoroids Ejected from Comets and Asteroids, Earth Moon and Planets 97, 295-310, (doi).

  48. Jopek, T.J., Rudawska, R., and Dybczynski, P.A.; 2005, The changes of the orbital elements and estimation of the initial velocities of stream meteoroids ejected from comets and asteroids., AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #37, id.11.02, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37, p. 632 (link to ADS).

  49. Starczewski, S. and Jopek, T.J.; 2004, Dynamical Relation of Meteorids to Comets and Asteroids, Earth Moon and Planets 95, 41-47, (doi).

  50. Jopek, T.J., Valsecchi, G.B., and Froeschlé, C.; 2004, Possible meteoroid streams associated with (69230) Hermes and 2002 SY50, Earth Moon and Planets 95, 5-10, (doi).

  51. Jopek, T.J., Valsecchi, G.B., and Froeschlé, C.; 2003, Meteor stream identification: a new approach - III. The limitations of statistics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 344, 665-672, (pdf).

  52. Borovicka, J., Weber, H.W., Jopek, T., Jakeš, P., Randa, Z., Brown, P.G., Revelle, D.O., Kalenda, P., Schultz, L., Kucera, J., Haloda, J., Týcová, P., Frýda, J., and Brandstätter, F.; 2003, The Morávka meteorite fall: 3 Meteoroid initial size, history, structure, and composition, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 38, 1005-1021, (pdf).

  53. Jopek, T.J., Gonczi, R., Froeschle, C., Michel, P., Longo, G., and Foschini, L.; 2002, A main belt asteroid: the most probable cause of the Tunguska event, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 73, 679, (pdf).

  54. Borovička, J., Kalenda, P., Brown, P.G., Revelle, D.O., Weber, H.W., Jopek, T., Jakeš, P., Řanda, Z., Spurný, P., Kučera, J., Haloda, J., Týcová, P., Frýda, J., Brandstätter, F., and Tagliaferri, E.; 2002, The Morávka meteorite fall: Complex analysis of video, seismic, infrasonic and satellite records combined with meteorite analyses, Preprint No. 205, by J. Borovička et al., Ondřejov, Czech Republic: Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2002, 89pp, (link to MPG. PuRe).

  55. Jopek, T.J., Valsecchi, G.B., and Froeschlé, C. 2002, Asteroid Meteoroid Streams, Asteroids III, W. F. Bottke Jr., A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, and R. P. Binzel (eds), University of Arizona Press, Tucson, p. 645-652, (pdf).

  56. Froeschlé, C., Michel, P., Gonczi, R., Jopek, T.J., Longo, G., and Foschini, L.; 2002, Long-term dynamics of the Tunguska Cosmic Body, in Proceedings of the Third Meeting on Celestial Mechanics CELMEC III, Roma (Italy) 18-22 June 2001. Eds: A. Celletti, S. Ferrarez-Mello, J. Henrard. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002 , p. 383-388, (pdf).

  57. Foschini, L., Froeschle, C., Michel, R., Longo, G., and Jopek, J.T.; 2002, One Step Forward to the Solution of the Tunguska Mystery, Meteorite - The International Quarterly of Meteorites and Meteorite Science 8, 27-28, (link to ADS).

  58. Foschini, L., Longo, G., Jopek, T.J., Froeschlé, C., Gonczi, R., and Michel, P.; 2001, On the atmospheric dynamics of the Tunguska cosmic body, In: Proceedings of the Meteoroids 2001 Conference, 6 - 10 August 2001, Kiruna, Sweden. Ed.: Barbara Warmbein, ESA SP-495, p. 371-376, (pdf).

  59. Farinella, P., Foschini, L., Froeschlé, C., Gonczi, R., Jopek, T.J., Longo, G., and Michel, P.; 2001, Probable asteroidal origin of the Tunguska Cosmic Body, Astronomy and Astrophysics 377, 1081-1097, (pdf).

  60. Foschini, L., Farinella, P., Froeschlé, C., Gonczi, R., Jopek, T.J., and Michel, P.; 2000, Long-term dynamics of bright bolides, Astronomy and Astrophysics 353, p. 797-812, (pdf).

  61. Foschini, L., Farinella, P., Froeschlé, C., Gonczi, R., Jopek, T.J., and Michel, P.; 1999, Long-term dynamics of bright bolides, American Astronomical Society, DPS Meeting #31, late abstracts, id.59.37, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 31, 1590, (pdf).

  62. Jopek, T.J., Valsecchi, G.B., and Froeschle, C.; 1999, Meteoroid stream identification: a new approach - II. Application to 865 photographic meteor orbits, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 304, 751-758, (pdf).

  63. Valsecchi, G.B., Jopek, T.J., and Froeschle, C.; 1999, Meteoroid stream identification: a new approach - I. Theory, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 304, 743-750, (pdf).

  64. Jopek, T.J., Valsecchi, G.B., and Froeschle, C.; 1999, Meteor stream identification a new approach. Application to 3675 radio meteor orbits, Meteoroids 1998, eds. W. J. Baggaley and V. Porubcan. Proceedings of the International Conference held at Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia, August 17-21, 1998, Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1999 , p. 307-310, (pdf).

  65. Froeschlé, C., Jopek, T.J., and Valsecchi, G.B.; 1999, The Use of Geocentric Variables to Search for Meteroid Streams and Their Parents, Impact of Modern Dynamics in Astronomy, Colloquium 172 of the International Astronomical Union, Namur (Belgium) 6-11 July 1998, p. 55-64, (pdf).

  66. Froeschle, C., Jopek, T.J., and Valsecchi, G.B.; 1997, Meteor Streams Identification: a New Approach, American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #29, id.36.07; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 29, p. 1046, (pdf).

  67. Jopek, T.J. and Froeschle, C.; 1997, A stream search among 502 TV meteor orbits. An objective approach., Astronomy and Astrophysics 320, 631-641, (pdf).

  68. Jopek, T.J., Farinella, P., Froeschle, C., and Gonczi, R.; 1996, (Erratum) Long-term dynamical evolution of the brightest bolides., Astronomy and Astrophysics 314, 353-353, (pdf).

  69. Jopek, T.J. and Froeschle, C.; 1996, VizieR Online Data Catalog: Meteor streams detected among 502TV (Jopek+ 1997), VizieR Online Data Catalog, (link to VzieR).

  70. Valsecchi, G.B., Jopek, T.J., and Froeschle, C.; 1996, A new approach to the problem of identyfying meteor streams, in proceedings of the first italian meeting of planetary science, held in Bormio, January 21-28, 1996 / edited by A. Manara, F. Migliorini, P. Paolicchi, p. 111-118, (link to ADS).

  71. Jopek, T.J., Valsecchi, G.B., and Froeschle, C.; 1996, Application of a new orbital distance metrics to 865 meteors, Planetary science : proceedings of the first italian meeting of planetary science, held in Bormio, January 21-28, 1996 / edited by A. Manara, F. Migliorini, P. Paolicchi, p. 100-110, (pdf).

  72. Jopek, T.J., Farinella, P., Froeschle, C., and Gonczi, R.; 1995, Long-term dynamical evolution of the brightest bolides., Astronomy and Astrophysics 302, 290, (pdf).

  73. Jopek, T.J.; 1995, Separation of Meteor Streams from the Sporadic Background, Earth Moon and Planets 68, 339-346, (pdf).

  74. Wnuk, E. and Jopek, T.; 1994, Satellite orbit calculations using geopotential coefficients up to high degree and order., Advances in Space Research 14, 35-42, (doi).

  75. Krawczyk, A. and Jopek, T.J.; 1994, Separation of the Meteor Streams from the Sporadic Background, in Proceedings of the conference on astrometry and celestial mechanics held in Poznan, Poland, September 13-17, 1993. Edited by K. Kurzynska, F. Barlier, P.K. Seidelmann, and I. Wyrtrzyszczak, Poznan, Poland, p. 277, (link to ADS).

  76. Jopek, T.J.; 1993, Remarks on the Meteor Orbital Similarity D-Criterion, Icarus 106, 603-607, (pdf).

  77. Jopek, T.J.; 1993, TV meteor streams searching, Meteoroids and their parent bodies, in Proceedings of the International Astronomical Symposium held at Smolenice, Slovakia, July 6-12, 1992, Bratislava, Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1993, edited by J. Stohl and I.P. Williams, p. 269-272, (doi).

  78. Jopek, T.J. 1991, Catalogue of precise meteor orbits, in Dynamics of Small Bodies of the Solar System, Polish-Slovak conference, 25-28 Oct. 1988, Warsaw, ed. K. Ziołkowski, (in Polish), p. 49-54, (pdf).

  79. Jopek, T.J.; 1986, Comet and meteor streams associations, Ph.D. Thesis, A.M. University, Poznan (in polish), 88 pp. (link to ADS).

  80. Dybczynski, P.A., Jopek, T.J., and Serafin, R.A.; 1986, On the Minimum Distance Between Two Keplerian Orbits with a Common Focus, Celestial Mechanics 38, 345-356, (pdf).

  81. Dybczynski, P.A. and Jopek, T.; 1986, ALPL-1 Newtonian ephemeris of the planetary system spanning 4000 years, Acta Astronomica 36, 153-164, (pdf).

  82. Tadeusz, J.; 1983, Het centrum van een plaat, Radiant, Journal of the Dutch Meteor Society, 5, Issue 2, p. 22-24, (link to ADS).

  83. Betlem H. and Tadeusz J.; 1983, Verwerking fotografisch materiaal 1982, Radiant, Journal of the Dutch Meteor Society, 5, Issue 1, p. 1-3, (link to ADS).

  84. Jopek, T.; 1979, Testing of several hypersensitization methods on ORWO plates types NP27 and ZP3, Observations of artificial satellites of the Earth, Proc. Symp. held in Olsztyn, Poland, Sept. 12-16, 1978, Eds.: Dobaczewska W., Krynski J., PWN Warszawa 1979,, No. 18/1978, p. 671-682, (link to ADS).