
  • Cross-correlating your FITS spectra with selected stellar template spectrum (using IRAF fxcor).
  • Independent cross-correlation of your FITS spectra with telluric template spectrum (also with fxcor).
  • Predefined spectral ranges for stellar and telluric correlations.
  • Reading cross-correlation results from fxcor output and creating much nicer tables in a text file.
  • Calculating phases and saving them into phases.txt file.
  • Creating radial velocity plots with respect to phase or HJD (or both).

Requirements and running

Red6 needs at least the following programs to run:

  • IRAF
  • Python
  • Grace

No installation required. Just copy all program files into your working directory. You also need to add the following line into your login.cl file:

task red6 = red6.cl

After starting IRAF just type: epar red6 to inspect all parameters and simply red6 to start it.



Page last modified on January 21, 2010, at 06:51 PM