Asteroid Day – 30 June 2017

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Asteroid Day is an annual global event, held on the anniversary of the 30 June 1908 Siberian Tunguska explosion. On 6 December 2016 The United Nations proclaimed that Asteroid Day will be celebrated on 30 June every year. More details … Continued

New asteroids named to honour astronomers from Poznań

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During the “Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017” conference in Montevideo, Uruguay, four asteroids were named in honour of astronomers from Poznań Observatory: (10470) Bartczak, (10471) Marciniak, (10472) Santana-Ros, (72447) Polińska. Asteroids, immediately after their discovery, are given a temporary name. When … Continued

Start of the NOAS project

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On 1th March 2017 AO AMU started a new ESA project called “NEO&SST Observation Assisatnce Service (NOAS)”. Its goal is to create a web based service making it easy to create observing plans for robotic telescopes, which is written in … Continued

SANORDA – another ESA project

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We received information from the European Space Agency (ESA) about the acceptance of our proposal „Service for Archival NEO Orbital and Rotational Data Analysis (SANORDA)”. Its goal is creation of a web service for analysis of the archival orbits of … Continued

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