AUTHOR(S) | YEAR | TITLE | PUBLICATED IN | Bar+85 | Barucci, M.A., Fulchignoni, M., Burchi, R. and D'Ambrosio, V. | 1985 | Rotational properties of ten main belt asteroids: analysis of the results obtained by photoelectric photometry. | Icarus 61, 152-162 | Bar+86 | Barucci, M.A., D. Bockelee-Morvan, A. Brahic, S. Clairemidi, J. Lecacheux and F. Roques | 1986 | Asteroid spin axes: two additional pole determinations and theoretical implications. | Astron. Astrophys. 163, 261-268 | Bar+92 | Barucci, M.A., A. Cellino, C. De Sanctis, M. Fulchignoni, K. Lumme, V. Zappala, P. Magnusson | 1992 | Ground-based Gaspra modelling: Comparison with the first Galileo image. | Astron. Astrophys. 266, 385-394 | Bar83 | Barucci, M.A. | 1983 | Estimate of the shape and pole coordinates for the asteroid 41 Daphne. | Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 54, 471-473 | Bec+15 | Becker, T.M., E.S. Howell, M.C. Nolan, C. Magri, P. Pravec, P.A. Taylor, J. Oey, D. Higgins, J. Vilagi, L. Kornos, A. Galad, S. Gajdos, N.M. 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