DCR readme (NZ i WD) opis mozna znalesc na astro-ph/0311290 lub 2004,PASP,116,148 A Fast Algorithm for Cosmic Ray Reemoval from Single Images Program w "c" mozna sciagnac ze strony users.camk.edu.pl/pych ================= USAGE: dcr input_file cleaned_file cosmicrays_file File 'dcr.par' must be present in the working directory. (dcr.par - plik parametryczny) Jezeli input i cleaned sa te same to on nadpisze pliki. ================= Uwagi od Natalii dcr dziala dla wszystkich widm, ktore przyslales, ogolnie wystarczy zmienic tylko jeden parametr: y-radius of the box. Dla widm do ok 400 ADU na 5, dla widm do ok 1500 ADU na 4 i dla widm do ok 13000 ADU na 3, przy wyzszych liczbach w tym parametrze program zjada i kosmiki i czesc widma. Dodatkowo warto moim zdaniem zmienic parametr: maximal number of cleaning passes na mniejszy (3-4 dla dobrze naswietlonch widm), poniewaz on nic nie wnosi do poprawnego dzialania programu, a skraca czas liczenia (szczegolnie przy tych najmocniejszych widmach). Moim zdaniem program radzi sobie bardzo dobrze z widmami ktore do tej pory mialam (ze zdebiasowanymi tez). orientacyjne wartosci: sygnal[ADU] ~400 ~1500 ~13000 x - radius 5 5 3 y - radius 5 4 3 Max no. 5 5-3 4-3 of cleaning passes ================= przykadowe widma: ./przyklad_fits przykladowy txt output programu: iraf@wd.astro.amu.edu.pl% ./dcr hd86222_01.fits hd86222_01c.fits cr.fits Reading dcr.par ------------------------ Data type: signed Cleaning box x-radius: 5 Cleaning box y-radius: 9 Number of clean passes: 5 Clean threshold: 3.000000 Dispersion axis: 2 Replacement lower radius: 1 Replacement upper radius: 3 Growing radius: 1 Input frame hd86222_01.fits Cosmic rays cr.fits Cleaned frame hd86222_01c.fits Whole frame before cleaning: mean= 111.584078 +- 35.294381 max count= 23367.000000 (964,1346) Pass 1: 6718 pixels cleaned Pass 2: 174 pixels cleaned Pass 3: 39 pixels cleaned Pass 4: 12 pixels cleaned Pass 5: 0 pixels cleaned Total number of pixels/cleaned= 4194304/6943 (0.2%) Whole frame after cleaning: mean= 111.178485 +- 6.339552 max count= 930.000000 (44,1083) Cleaned frame hd86222_01c.fits Cosmic rays cr.fits ================== Uwagi autora (ze skryptu DDO) The binary executables :"dcr", "fitsedit" and "selcomp" are for Intel-based Linux systems only. I have run these scripts on Redhat 6.1 and Redhat 9 boxes. Outside of IRAF, run: ./dcr.csh This runs Wojtek Pych's "dcr" cosmic ray remover on all stellar and comparison spectra, after bias subtraction and flat-fielding. It also invokes the "selcomp" utility which selects the comparisons for each exposure.