? - This display r - Redraw the current window / - Cycle thru short help on stat line s - Smooth (boxcar) a - Autoexpand between cursors t - Fit continuum(*) b - Toggle base plot level to 0.0 u - Adjust coordinate scale(*) c - Clear and redraw full spectrum v - Velocity scale (toggle) d - Deblend lines using profile models w - Window the graph e - Equiv. width, integ flux, center x - Connects 2 cursor positions f - Arithmetic functions: log, sqrt... y - Plot std star flux from calib file g - Get new image and plot z - Expand x range by factor of 2 h - Equivalent widths(*) ) - Go to next spectrum in image i - Write current image as new image ( - Go to previous spectrum in image j - Fudge a point to Y-cursor value # - Select new line/aperture k - Profile fit to single line(*) % - Select new band l - Convert to F-lambda $ - Toggle wavelength/pixel scale m - Mean, RMS, snr in marked region - - Subtract deblended fit n - Convert to F-nu , - Down slide spectrum o - Toggle overplot of following plot . - Up slide spectrum p - Convert to wavelength scale I - Interrupt task immediately q - Quit and exit - Cursor position and flux (*) For 'h' key: Measure equivalent widths a - Left side for width at 1/2 flux l - Left side for continuum = 1 b - Right side for width at 1/2 flux r - Right side for continuum = 1 c - Both sides for width at 1/2 flux k - Both sides for continuum = 1 (*) For 'k' key: Second key may be used to select profile type g - Gaussian, l - Lorentzian, v - Voigt, all others - Gaussiank (*) For 't' key: Fit the continuum with ICFIT and apply to spectrum / = normalize by the continuum fit - = subtract the continuum fit (residuals) f = replace spectrum by the continuum fit c = clean spectrum of rejected points n = do the fitting but leave the spectrum unchanged q = quit without fitting or modifying spectrum (*) For 'u' key: Adjust the coordinate scale by marking features d = apply doppler correction to bring marked feature to specified coord. l = set linear (in wavelength) coordinates based on two marked features z = apply zero point shift to bring marked feature to specified coordinate The colon commands do not allow abbreviations. :# - Add comment to log file :dispaxis - Change summing parameter for 2D images :log - Enable logging to save_file :nolog - Disable logging to save_file :nsum - Change summing parameter for 2D images :show - Show full output of deblending and equiv. width measurments :units - Change coordinate units (see below) :label