The onedstds$ directory contains standard calibration data for extinction and sensitivity calibration as used in the ONEDSPEC, TWODSPEC, and the various IMRED packages. EXTINCTION TABLES (eg extinction = onedstds$kpnoextinct.dat) ctioextinct.dat - CTIO extinction table for ONEDSPEC (in Angstroms) The CTIO extinction curve distributed with IRAF comes from the work of Stone & Baldwin (1983 MN 204, 347) and Baldwin & Stone (1984 MN 206, 241). The first of these papers lists the points from 3200-8370A while the second extended the flux calibration from 6056 to 10870A but the derived extinction curve was not given in the paper. The IRAF table follows SB83 out to 6436, the redder points presumably come from BS84 with averages used in the overlap region. More recent CTIO extinction curves are shown as Figures in Hamuy et al (92, PASP 104, 533 ; 94 PASP 106, 566). Steve Heathcote, Mon, 19 Jul 1999 kpnoextinct.dat - KPNO extinction table for ONEDSPEC (in Angstroms) MISCELLANEOUS ctio - Directory containing CTIO decker comb positions and neutral density filter curves (used with NDPREP). FLUX STANDARD DIRECTORIES (eg caldir = onedstds$iidscal/) blackbody - Directory for using blackbody flux distributions in various magnitude bands. bstdscal - Directory of the brighter KPNO IRS standards (i.e. those with HR numbers) at 29 bandpasses, data from various sources transformed to the Hayes and Latham system, unpublished. ctiocal - Directory containing fluxes for the southern tertiary standards as published by Baldwin & Stone, 1984, MNRAS, 206, 241 and Stone and Baldwin, 1983, MNRAS, 204, 347. ctionewcal - Directory containing fluxes at 50A steps in the blue range 3300-7550A for the tertiary standards of Baldwin and Stone derived from the revised calibration of Hamuy et al., 1992, PASP, 104, 533. This directory also contains the fluxes of the tertiaries in the red (6050-10000A) at 50A steps as will be published in PASP (Hamuy et al 1994). The combined fluxes are obtained by gray shifting the blue fluxes to match the red fluxes in the overlap region of 6500A-7500A and averaging the red and blue fluxes in the overlap. The separate red and blue fluxes may be selected by following the star name with "red" or "blue"; i.e. CD 32 blue. iidscal - Directory of the KPNO IIDS standards at 29 bandpasses, data from various sources transformed to the Hayes and Latham system, unpublished. irscal - Directory of the KPNO IRS standards at 78 bandpasses, data from various sources transformed to the Hayes and Latham system, unpublished (note that in this directory the brighter standards have no values - the `bstdscal' directory must be used for these standards at this time). oke1990 - Directory of spectrophotometric standards observed for use with the HST, Table VII, Oke 1990, AJ, 99. 1621 (no correction was applied). An arbitrary 1A bandpass is specified for these smoothed and interpolated flux "points". Users may copy and modify these files for other bandpasses. redcal - Directory of standard stars with flux data beyond 8370A. These stars are from the IRS or the IIDS directory but have data extending as far out into the red as the literature permits. Data from various sources. spechayescal - The KPNO spectrophotometric standards at the Hayes flux points, Table IV, Spectrophotometric Standards, Massey et al., 1988, ApJ 328, p. 315. spec16cal - Directory containing fluxes at 16A steps in the blue range 3300-7550A for the secondary standards, published in Hamuy et al., 1992, PASP, 104, 533. This directory also contains the fluxes of the secondaries in the red (6020-10300A) at 16A steps as will be published in PASP (Hamuy et al 1994). The combined fluxes are obtained by gray shifting the blue fluxes to match the red fluxes in the overlap region of 6500A-7500A and averaging the blue and red fluxes in the overlap. The separate red and blue fluxes may be selected by following the star name with "red" or "blue"; i.e. HR 1544 blue. spec50cal - The KPNO spectrophotometric standards at 50 A intervals. The data are from (1) Table V, Spectrophotometric Standards, Massey et al., 1988, ApJ 328, p. 315 and (2) Table 3, The Kitt Peak Spectrophotometric Standards: Extension to 1 micron, Massey and Gronwall, 1990, ApJ 358, p. 344. STANDARD STAR MENUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blackbody calibrations in onedstds$blackbody/ U B V R I J H K L Lprime M Magnitude conversions are available between V, J, H, K, L, Lprime, and M but for U, B, R, and I the star magnitudes must be in the same bandpass. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$bstdscal/ hr718 hr3454 hr3982 hr4468 hr4534 hr5191 hr5511 hr7001 hr7596 hr7950 hr8634 hr9087 hd15318 hd74280 hd100889 hd188350 hd198001 hd214923 hd224926 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$ctiocal/ bd25 eg139 feige56 l2415 l93080 bd73632 eg149 feige98 l2511 l97030 bd8 eg158 g16350 l3218 lds235 cd32 eg248 g2631 l3864 lds749 eg11 eg274 g9937 l4364 ltt4099 eg21 f15 h600 l4816 ltt8702 eg26 f25 hz2 l6248 ross627 eg31 f56 hz4 l7379 w1346 eg54 f98 hz15 l7987 w485a eg63 f110 kopf27 l8702 wolf1346 eg76 feige110 l377 l9239 wolf485a eg79 feige15 l1020 l9491 eg99 feige25 l1788 l74546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$ctionewcal/: Combined red and blue 3300A-10000A: cd32 f56 l2415 l4364 l7987 eg21 h600 l3218 l4816 l9239 eg274 l1020 l377 l6248 l9491 f110 l1788 l3864 l7379 l745 Blue 3300A-7550A: cd32blue f56blue l2415blue l4364blue l7987blue eg21blue h600blue l3218blue l4816blue l9239blue eg274blue l1020blue l377blue l6248blue l9491blue f110blue l1788blue l3864blue l7379blue Red 6050A-10000A: cd32red f56red l2415red l4364red l7987red eg21red h600red l3218red l4816red l9239red eg274red l1020red l377red l6248red l9491red f110red l1788red l3864red l7379red l745red -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$iidscal/ 40erib eg50 eg149 g16350 hz4 lds235b amcvn eg54 eg158 g191b2b hz7 lds749b bd253941 eg63 eg162 g2610 hz14 lft1655 bd284211 eg67 eg182 g2631 hz15 lp414101 bd332642 eg71 eg184 g4718 hz29 ltt13002 bd404032 eg76 eg193 g88 hz43 ltt16294 bd73632 eg77 eg247 g9937 hz44 ltt4099 bd7781 eg79 eg248 gd128 kopff27 ltt8702 bd82015 eg91 feige15 gd140 l13633 ross627 eg11 eg98 feige24 gd190 l140349 ross640 eg20 eg99 feige25 gh7112 l14094 sa29130 eg26 eg102 feige34 grw705824 l151234b sao131065 eg28 eg119 feige56 grw708247 l74546a ton573 eg29 eg129 feige92 grw738031 l8702 wolf1346 eg31 eg139 feige98 he3 l93080 wolf485a eg33 eg144 feige110 hiltner102 l97030 eg39 eg145 g12627 hiltner600 lb1240 eg42 eg148 g14563 hz2 lb227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$irscal/ bd082015 eg50 feige34 hd117880 hd60778 hr7001 bd174708 eg71 feige56 hd161817 hd74721 hz44 bd253941 eg139 feige92 hd17520 hd84937 kopff27 bd262606 eg158 feige98 hd192281 hd86986 wolf1346 bd284211 eg247 feige110 hd19445 he3 bd332642 feige15 g191b2b hd217086 hiltner102 bd404032 feige25 hd109995 hd2857 hiltner600 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$oke1990/ bd284211 feige110 feige67 g191b2b g249 gd248 ltt9491 eg71 bd75325 feige34 g13831 g19374 gd108 hz21 eg158 eg247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$redcal/ 40erib eg63 eg139 eg248 gd140 hz44 ltt16294 amcvn eg67 eg144 feige24 gd190 l13633 ltt4099 bd7781 eg76 eg145 g12627 grw705824 l14094 ltt8702 bd73632 eg79 eg148 g14563 grw708247 l151234b ross627 bd174708 eg91 eg149 g16350 grw738031 l74546a ross640 bd262606 eg98 eg162 g191b2b hd19445 l93080 sa29130 eg20 eg99 eg182 g2610 hd84937 l97030 sao131065 eg33 eg102 eg184 g2631 he3 lds235b wolf1346 eg50 eg119 eg193 g4718 hz29 lds749b wolf485a eg54 eg129 eg247 g9937 hz43 lft1655 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$spec16cal/: Combined red and blue 3300A-10300A: hd15318 hd74280 hd114330 hd188350 hd214923 hd30739 hd100889 hd129956 hd198001 hd224926 hr1544 hr4468 hr5501 hr7596 hr8634 hr3454 hr4963 hr718 hr7950 hr9087 Blue 3300A-7550A: hd15318blue hd74280blue hd114330blue hd188350blue hd214923blue hd30739blue hd100889blue hd129956blue hd198001blue hd224926blue hr1544blue hr4468blue hr5501blue hr7596blue hr8634blue hr3454blue hr4963blue hr718blue hr7950blue hr9087blue Red 6020A-10300A: hd15318red hd74280red hd114330red hd188350red hd214923red hd30739red hd100889red hd129956red hd198001red hd224926red hr1544red hr4468red hr5501red hr7596red hr8634red hr3454red hr4963red hr718red hr7950red hr9087red -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$spec50cal/ (3200A - 8100 A) bd284211 eg247 feige34 hd192281 pg0205134 pg0934554 wolf1346 cygob2no9 eg42 feige66 hd217086 pg0216032 pg0939262 eg139 eg71 feige67 hilt600 pg0310149 pg1121145 eg158 eg81 g191b2b hz14 pg0823546 pg1545035 eg20 feige110 gd140 hz44 pg0846249 pg1708602 Standard stars in onedstds$spec50cal/ (3200A - 10200A) bd284211 eg247 feige34 g191b2b hz44 eg139 eg71 feige66 gd140 pg0823546 eg158 feige110 feige67 hilt600 wolf1346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard stars in onedstds$spechayescal/ bd284211 eg139 feige67 hd217086 pg0216032 pg0939262 cygob2no9 eg158 feige110 hiltner600 pg0310149 pg1121145 eg42 eg247 g191b2b hz14 pg0823546 pg1545035 eg71 feige34 gd140 hz44 pg0846249 pg1708602 eg81 feige66 hd192281 pg0205134 pg0934554 wolf1346