zmiana  pliku konf. z parametrami obserwatorium ---------


observatory = "bor"
        name = "Borowiec Observatory"
        longitude = 342:55.524
        latitude = 52:16.62
        altitude = 124
        timezone = -1

asthedit i CMDOBJ ------------------------

#  PLIK CMD DO ASTHEDIT---------------------------------------------
if (imagetyp = 'object')
exptime = exposure
expstart= '21:56:20'

"date-obs"= date

#expstart = imget ('')
ut = expstart

utmiddle = sexstr (expstart + exptime/3600./2.)

epoch = epoch (@'date', utmiddle)
mst = mst (@'date', utmiddle, obsdb (observat, "longitude"))

jd = julday (@'date', utmiddle)

airmass = eairmass (ra, dec, mst, exptime, obsdb (observat, "latitude"))

latitude = obsdb (observat, "latitude")
longitude = obsdb (observat, "longitude")
altitude = obsdb (observat, "altitude")
observer = 'RB, WD'


quit --------------------------------------------------------------

Epar asthe:
                    Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = astutil
   TASK = asthedit

images  =               *.fits  Images to be operated upon
commands=          cmd_bor.obj  File of commands
(table  =                     ) File of values
(colname=                     ) Column names in table file
(prompt =           asthedit> ) Prompt for STDIN commands
(update =                  yes) Update image header?
(verbose=                   no) Verbose output?
(oldstyl=                   no) Use old style format?
(mode   =                   ql)

as> e
Images to be operated upon (*.fits):
File of commands (cmd_bor.obj):

rvcorrect -----------------------

                   Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = astutil
   TASK = rvcorrect

(files  =                     ) List of files containing observation data
(images =        v2080cyg.fits) List of images containing observation data
(header =                  yes) Print header?
(input  =                   no) Print input data?
(imupdat=                  yes) Update image header with corrections?

(epoch  =                   0.) Epoch of observation coordinates (years)
(observa=                     ) Observatory
(vsun   =                  20.) Solar velocity (km/s)
(ra_vsun=                  18.) Right ascension of solar velocity (hours)
(dec_vsu=                  30.) Declination of solar velocity (degrees)
(epoch_v=                1900.) Epoch of solar coordinates (years)

(year   =                    0) Year of observation
(month  =                    1) Month of observation (1-12)
(day    =                    1) Day of observation
(ut     =                   0.) UT of observation (hours)
(ra     =                   0.) Right ascension of observation (hours)
(dec    =                   0.) Declination of observation (degrees)
(vobs   =                   0.) Observed radial velocity
(hjd    =                   0.) Helocentric Julian Day (output)
(vhelio =                   0.) Helocentric radial velocity (km/s) (output)
(vlsr   =                   0.) Local standard or rest radial velocity (km/s) (o
(mode   =                   ql)

as> e
# RVCORRECT: Observatory parameters for Borowiec Observatory
#       latitude = 52:16.62
#       longitude = 342:55.524
#       altitude = 124
2454268.41559     0.00     5.63    24.09      0.103    0.001    5.525   18.465

brakowalo DATE-OBS więc użylismy  HEDIT

hedit  ----------------------------

dodanie wartości DATE-OBS

                    Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = imutil
   TASK = hedit

images  =        v2080cyg.fits  images to be edited
fields  =             DATE-OBS  fields to be edited
value   =           2007-06-16  value expression
(add    =                  yes) add rather than edit fields
(addonly=                   no) add only if field does not exist
(delete =                   no) delete rather than edit fields
(verify =                  yes) verify each edit operation
(show   =                  yes) print record of each edit operation
(update =                  yes) enable updating of the image header
(mode   =                   ql)