SPECTRUM REVIEW COMMAND SUMMARY ? Help b Select obj/temnp sample region d Print velocity diff e Do summary plot f Fourier mode i Original spectra I Interrupt n Disp. cont. spectra p Display prepared spectra q Quit r Redraw s Select sample regions u Unselect a sample region x Return to correlation mode :osample List of object sample regions :rsample List of template sample regions :show Show the task parameters ? Print list of cursor key and colon commands b Select sample regions for both spectra d Print velocity difference between two cursor positions e Plot a preview of the summary plot f Enter Fourier mode i Display original input spectra I Interrupt n Display continuum subtracted spectra p Display the prepared spectra prior to correlation q Quit r Redraw s Select sample regions u Unselect sample regions x Return to correlation mode :sample [list] List of sample regions :show Show the task parameters