I R A F Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = echelle 1. ECIDENTIFY CURSOR KEY SUMMARY ? Help a Affect all features c Center feature(s) d Delete feature(s) f Fit dispersion g Fit zero point shift i Initialize j Go to previous order k Go to next order l Match coordinate list m Mark feature n Next feature o Go to specified order p Pan graph q Quit r Redraw graph s Shift feature t Reset position u Enter user coordinate w Window graph x Crosscorrelate peaks y Find peaks z Zoom graph . Nearest feature + Next feature - Previous feature I Interrupt 2. ECIDENTIFY COLON COMMAND SUMMARY :show [file] :features [file] :coordlist [file] :cradius [value] :threshold [value] :database [file] :ftype [type] :fwidth [value] :image [image] :labels [type] :match [value] :maxfeatures [value] :minsep [value] :read [image] :write [image] :zwidth [value] 3. ECIDENTIFY CURSOR KEYS ? Clear the screen and print menu of options a Apply next (c)enter or (d)elete operation to (a)ll features c (C)enter the feature nearest the cursor d (D)elete the feature nearest the cursor f (F)it a function of pixel coordinate to the user coordinates g Fit a zero point shift to the user coordinates i (I)nitialize (delete features and coordinate fit) j Go to the previous order k Go to the next order l Match coordinates in the coordinate (l)ist to features in the data m (M)ark a new feature near the cursor n Move the cursor or zoom to the (n)ext feature (same as +) o Go to the specified (o)rder p (P)an to user defined window after (z)ooming on a feature q (Q)uit and continue with next image (also carriage return) r (R)edraw the graph s (S)hift the current feature to the position of the cursor t Reset (move) the position of a feature without centering u Enter a new (u)ser coordinate for the current feature w (W)indow the graph. Use '?' to window prompt for more help. x Crosscorrelate features with the data peaks and reregister y Automatically find "maxfeatures" strongest peaks and identify them z (Z)oom on the feature nearest the cursor . Move the cursor or zoom to the feature nearest the cursor (also space bar) + Move the cursor or zoom to the next feature - Move the cursor or zoom to the previous feature I Interrupt task immediately. Database information is not saved. 4. ECIDENTIFY COLON COMMANDS The parameters are listed or set with the following commands which may be abbreviated. To list the value of a parameter type the command alone. :show file Show the values of all the parameters :features file Write feature list to file (default is STDOUT) :coordlist file Coordinate list file :cradius value Centering radius in pixels :threshold value Detection threshold for feature centering :database name Database for recording feature records :ftype value Feature type (emission or absorption) :fwidth value Feature width in pixels :image imagename Set a new image or show the current image :labels value Feature label type (none, index, pixel, or user) :match value Coordinate list matching distance :maxfeatures value Maximum number of features automatically found :minsep value Minimum separation allowed between features :read name Read a record from the database (name defaults to image) :write name Write a record to the database (name defaults to image) :zwidth value Zoom width in user units