I R A F Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = echelle TASK = dispcor input = arctur2A.ec List of input spectra output = arctur2A.ec.lambda List of output spectra (lineari= no) Linearize (interpolate) spectra? (databas= database) Dispersion solution database (table = ) Wavelength table for apertures (w1 = INDEF) Starting wavelength (w2 = INDEF) Ending wavelength (dw = INDEF) Wavelength interval per pixel (nw = INDEF) Number of output pixels (log = no) Logarithmic wavelength scale? (flux = yes) Conserve flux? (blank = 0.) Output value of points not in input (samedis= no) Same dispersion in all apertures? (global = no) Apply global defaults? (ignorea= no) Ignore apertures? (confirm= no) Confirm dispersion coordinates? (listonl= no) List the dispersion coordinates only? (verbose= yes) Print linear dispersion assignments? (logfile= ) Log file (mode = ql) ESC-? for HELP