I R A F Image Reduction and Analysis Facility PACKAGE = echelle TASK = continuum input = arctur2A.ec.lambda Input images output = artur2A.ec.lam.cont Output images (lines = *) Image lines to be fit (bands = 1) Image bands to be fit (type = ratio) Type of output (replace= no) Replace rejected points by fit? (wavesca= yes) Scale the X axis with wavelength? (logscal= no) Take the log (base 10) of both axes? (overrid= no) Override previously fit lines? (listonl= no) List fit but don't modify any images? (logfile= logfile) List of log files (interac= yes) Set fitting parameters interactively? (sample = *) Sample points to use in fit (naverag= 1) Number of points in sample averaging (functio= spline3) Fitting function (order = 3) Order of fitting function (low_rej= 2.) Low rejection in sigma of fit (high_re= 0.) High rejection in sigma of fit (niterat= 10) Number of rejection iterations (grow = 1.) Rejection growing radius in pixels (markrej= yes) Mark rejected points? (graphic= stdgraph) Graphics output device (cursor = ) Graphics cursor input ask = yes (mode = ql)