Selected future events
 CADC - International Astronomy Meetings
Selected past events
 Meteoroids 2019, June 17-21, Bratislava, Slovakia  XXX GA IAU Vienna, Austria  ACM 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay  Meteoroids 2016, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands  Meteoroids 2013, Aug. 26-30, Poznan, Poland  Meteoroids 2010, May 24-28, Breckenridge, USA  Meteoroids 2007, June 11-15, Barcelona, Spain  Meteoroids 2004, Aug. 16-21 London, Canada  Meteoroids 2001, Aug. 6-10, Kiruna, Sweden  EPSC-DPS 2011, Oct. 3-7, Nantes, France  EPSC 2010, Sept. 19-24, Roma, Italy  EPSC 2009, Sept. 13-18, Potsdam, Germany  EPSC 2008, Sept. 21-26, Muenster, Germany  IAU XXVIII GA, 20-31 Aug. 2012, Beijing, China  37 PAS Congress, 2015, Sept. 7-10, Poznań, PL  Schiaparelli, 2010, Oct. 19-21, Milano-Torino, Italy
Other sites
 IAU Meteor Data Center  Astronomical picture of the day  Comets and Meteors Workshop
 Olsztyn Planetarium  Silesian Planetarium  Frombork Planetarium
 Tunguska explosion, (Russian site)  Tunguska explosion, (Univ. di Bologna)
 A.Mickiewicz University Library  UAM Faculty of Physics Library  URANIA
 Faith and Light communities  L'Arche community in Poznań  L'Arche in Poland  L'Arche international  OP - "W drodze" publishing  OSB - Monastery in Lubiń
 Anna Maria Jopek
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