The Committee on Space and Satellite Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna� and the International Laser Ranging Service are pleased to host the Sixteenth International Workshop on Laser Ranging in Pozna�, Poland in October 13th to 17th , 2008. The motto of the Workshop is "SLR - the next generation". The Workshop will take place at the IBB Andersia Hotel located in the centre of the city.
Registration Deadline: September 10, 2008
Abstract Deadline: September 10, 2008
Hotel Reservation Deadline: September 10, 2008
Issued fifth circular (09 October 2008).
Issued fourth circular (03 September 2008).
Issued third circular (20 June 2008).
Issued second circular (25 April 2008).
Issued Workshop website (11 April 2008).
Issued first circular (29 February 2008).